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How Long Does It Take to Get Social Security Disability?

An illustration of a calendar with a stopwatch and green dollar bills sitting in front of it. How Long Does It Take to Get Social Security Disability?

Who Receives Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal program designed to provide financial assistance to disabled individuals who cannot take part in Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) and therefore, don’t earn enough money to support themselves.

After applying for disability benefits, you have to wait for a determination from the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA will either approve or deny your SSDI application. If you are denied, you can go through the appeals process to apply a second time. Working with a Social Security lawyer in Fresno, CA from Peña & Bromberg can greatly increase your chances of receiving a favorable decision on your appeal.

If your initial application is approved by the SSA, you will still need to wait a certain period of time before receiving SSDI payments.

How Long Does It Take for Social Security Disability Payments to Arrive?

If you’re asking, How long does it take to receive Social Security Disability benefits, the answer is going to vary from person to person. Generally, it takes an average of 3-5 months for the SSA to process your claim. Once you are approved, you won’t start receiving benefits until your waiting period is complete.

The waiting period is five months. This means that every claimant who has been approved must wait until five months have passed from their Established Onset Date (EOD) to receive SSDI benefits. However, there is no waiting period for claimants with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) who were approved for disability benefits on or after 07/23/2020.

Your Established Onset Date is the starting date of your disability. Since the SSA does not count partial months, this means that claimants actually receive their first payment during the sixth full month following their EOD (unless their EOD falls on the first day of the month).

What is SSDI Back Pay?

SSDI back payments are payments that have accumulated during the time a claimant’s Established Onset Date is determined, and when their claim is approved. This time period does not include the five-month waiting period.

Reasons for Delays

Typical reasons for delayed disability payments include SSDI denial, delays in the SSA receiving necessary medical records, lack of evidence, and general delays in processing. Additionally, if the SSA requires you to see one of their doctors or undergo certain tests, this could result in a longer wait time. Some states also take longer to process claims than others.

Speeding Up the Process – Contact Peña & Bromberg Today

There are two processes that help speed up the review of SSDI claims, including Quick Disability Determinations (QDD) and Compassionate Allowances (CAL). These fast-track processes are designed to shorten wait times and get benefits into the hands of seriously disabled individuals.

There are a few other ways to hasten receiving a decision on your claim, such as expedited processing for service members. An experienced SSDI attorney can help determine whether or not you qualify.

To find out more about applying for SSDI or the time it takes to receive benefits, contact Peña & Bromberg today. Our legal team can determine if you meet SSDI California eligibility requirements, and help you through the disability application process.